*****We are proud to announce the opening of our 2nd U-Pick Strawberry farm in Roseville, CA. Please click on Roseville Farm Tab for more information.*****
2013 Season NOW OPEN
13000 Brandt Road
Corner of HWY 88 and Brandt Road
Lockeford, CA 95237
916-712-2831 or 916-716-7853
Open 7 days a week 8am-7pm
Strawberries fresh from our family to yours.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit Salutaris Fragum Firmam. Nos sunt sita in Lockeford, California. Lockford est 5 milia passuum orientem Laudensis, California (click in itinere ad considerandam in tabula). Nos, superbi sunt nostra dulcis fraga de Chandler lectures. Chandler scriptor fraga sunt delectamentum et liquidis. Nn nostri colligunt fraga recentia omni mane, et vendere eos eodem die. Fragorum tempus in 2013 aperiam in April 15, 2013. Hoc anno sumus ferens retro in U-colligunt. Nos sunt non diam ut organicum, sed non turpis. Join our mailing list atque accipere specialis turpis a ultrices forma in "Contact us" section. Buy nova, buy loci, buy Saewang fraga.
Strawberry varieties 2013: Chandler, High chandler, and Albion.
Thank you berry much for your support. ~Saevang Family
Please leave comments and testimonials at our Yelp page: http://www.yelp.com/biz/saevang-strawberry-farm-lockeford
~Strawberries: Fresh picked daily and sold at our road side stand.
~U-Pick: Come by and pick your own strawberries right off the field. No entry fee, just pay for what you pick. (Disclaimer: 2013 season is over for the U-Pick berries however we are still open for your regular strawberry needs)
~Vegetables: We also offer a few vegetables also grown on the farm: Red Onions, Garlic, Snap peas, faba beans, chinese eggplants and more.
~Other Fruits: We are also offering fruits including but not limited to: Nectarines, Peaches, Plums, Apricots, Blueberries, Blackberries, and more!
farm / worlds largest / top /
Phone: 916-712-2831.... Linda